Friday 26 July 2013

A Very Special Celebration

Fiddlina rushed in. Her face all aglow
‘it’s a boy!’ she yelled. And twiddled her bow.

The band gave a cheer and all settled down.
‘What do we do?’ said Tich with a frown.
‘How about we bake a nice cake?’
‘Or something cuddly. What can we make?’
‘We can always make a nice big card?’
Said Quiffy. ‘That won’t be too hard.’
The mice all nodded and scurried away
To get string and paper, card and clay.
Quiffy laid out lots of bits of card
And stuck them with tape to keep them hard.
Keys and Bongo got big felt pens
And drew lots of lines at all the ends.
Sachmo got lots of glitter and glue
And stuck most of it to the top of his shoe.
Quiffy started drawing a teddy bear
But wasn’t too sure what teddy bear’s wear.
Twangy thought hard about what he could do
Then decided to colour in lots of blue.
Tich thought hard and wrote a few words
While Tupper drew lots of pretty bluebirds
Fiddlina and Tina had lots of fun
Gluing flowers all over, until it was done.

They were all very pleased with their work at the end,
And off to the post box the card to send
What had they put in the card you say?
They’re celebrating a special day.
Congratulations to Kate and Wills
Young baby George brought lot of thrills.
The mice hope that lots of joy he’ll bring,

And can’t wait to see young George become king