Tuesday 4 March 2014

Pancake Mayhem.

The mice were all rushing around.
Eggs and flour were hitting the ground.
On pancake day in Bongo land
They had a pancake contest planned.
Sachmo got his eggs and flour
And whisked it up with such great power
The mix flew out around the place,
Narrowly missing Tina's face.
She scurried off while Sachmo cooked
And came back. What a sight she looked.
In the kitchen in hat and galoshes.

'To protect me from Sachmo's pancake sloshes.
A little less mix I think Sachmo,'
As a dollop landed on her toe.

Fiddlina was working very hard.
She didn't want her pancakes charred.

She mixed her pancakes carefully,
And fried one up so she could see.
'Sachmo!' She yelled, ducking fast
As pancake mix went flying past.

Quiffy Sax was there as well,
Quiff kept up with lots of gel
And tucked outside his tall chef's hat.
'To protect my hair from Sachmo's splat.'
He had three frying pans on the go.
'Oh Quiffy! What an amazing show.'

He held them tight in paws and tail
As Fiddlina watched every small detail.
He tossed them high into the air.
Oh no! One landed on his hair!

'Hello everyone,' and Monty appeared,
Pulling behind him something weird.

The Monty Magic Mixamaker!
The automatic pancake baker.

He turned it on. The mice looked on.
Oh dear. I think it's going wrong...
The pans were tossing up and down
While Monty watched on with a frown.
'Look out Monty!' Keys quickly said
As a pan knocked him sharply on the head.

Sachmo looked and oh too late!
A pancake hit his face right straight.

His hand shot up, his pancake flew.
'What's that noise?'  They heard 'Choo Choo'
As the pancake landed on the floor
Right outside the open front door.
The mice rushed out and oh my word!
That's the noise that they all heard.
A steam roller coming up the drive.
Oh what a time for it to arrive.

Over the pancake it rattled and rolled.
That pancake was awfully big and cold.

'Oh dear. I'm sorry,' the driver said.
'I knew I should have phoned ahead.
I should tell you why I've come.'
He leant in and pulled out a drum.
'I met a mouse with a xylophone.
He wondered if you could give him a home'
And out of the drum popped Walter's head.
'I'm sorry about the pancake.' He said.
'That's ok I have an idea!
Bring that pancake over here.'
And Keys  tied rope around a tree.
'It's big enough for a trampoline. See.'
The twins got on and bounced up high.
'Look,' they yelled. 'We can fly.'

Monty came out looking slightly dazed
And looked around - a little amazed.
'Right said Fiddlina. Time for tea.
Come on Tina. Follow me.'
She made pancakes for everyone
Which they ate while having mousey fun.
The twins fed Walter in his drum
While Twangy started to sing and strum.

Soon the mice were dancing around,
bouncing on pancakes, and pancakes were downed.

Fiddlina won the pancake prize

Which all the mice thought very wise.